
Letter: Vote no on recall of school board member Lance McDaniel

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021 11:10 AM

I would like to say a few words of support for School Board Director Lance McDaniel.

Sadly, RE-1 School District is being tasked with holding a recall election to recall a director for no other reason except political differences.

I have known Lance McDaniel for at least 10 years. He is a fine man and is one of the most honest men I have ever met. In all our conversations, I have never heard a discouraging word about veterans, which the recall petition states.

Lance has always been interested in being involved with his community. Instead of sitting back and complaining about education and city planning, Lance decided to become part of the decision-making processes and joined the Planning and Zoning Commission and the RE-1 School Board. Lance is also involved in the community in other ways: first male advocate at Renew; Precinct 9 captain for Montezuma County Democrats; finance chair for the Yes on 4A Campaign; Committee for COVID-Safe Graduation, 2020; member of Four Corners Anti-Human-Trafficking Task Force; member of City of Cortez Water Wise Committee.

Lance gives so much of his time for schoolchildren, especially minority and at-risk children. I can’t think of a finer man to be involved with child education and advocacy. Lance walks the walk and does the things that are required to have a healthy school system.

I am a Marine Corps veteran with nine years of service and I served a term as City Council member 2014-2016.

Bud PriceCortez--
