
Looking back to 1964 in Mancos

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 8:04 PM

Because they are meaningful to my generation and the next one, I'll add a few more things that took place in 1964.

Mr. and Mrs. John Paquin demonstrated their barbecuing prowess for an appreciative audience of Mrs. Burnham, the Billy Burnhams, the Jim Cooks and the Dick Patricks.

Mrs. Lily Halls was dismissed from Mercy Hospital last week and is staying at the Harry Halls home in Weber.

Mrs. Jim Holston will be going to the State 4-H convention in Fort Collins as an official delegate.

Expected home from various schools for the summer are: Dave McNeil, Bryant and Robin Robb, Luanna Nelson, Elaine Simmons, Larry Everett, Duane Pilcher, Susanne and Fred Halls, Mike Patrick and Ronnie Ellis.

Some 400 people gathered in the high school gymnasium last Friday evening to attend Commencement Exercises for the 16 high school seniors and 48 eighth graders.

Jimmie Dick Yeomans left Sunday for White River, Arizona to work for the summer.

Mrs. Mattie Holston has been honored with a life membership in Colorado's largest organization for women, the Colorado Extension Homemakers Council.

The Mancos Colorado days queen is Celia Jensen. She is the youngest daughter of John and Margaret McEwen. She was born January 17, 1885, at Beaver, Utah.

Jack Ott, James Green and Pete Stevenson, all of the local Forest Service were called to the Columbine district north of Durango last weekend to help control a forest fire.

The Jake Riffels visited in Colorado Springs and Denver during the Fourth of July holidays with relatives.

Sherron Dillon has taken Dick Yeoman's grandson back home.

Darrel Ellis is a longtime historian of the Mancos Valley. Email him at
