The proposal for expanding Fairview Cemetery next to a residence is an important issue not only from our cultural standpoint, but also from a private property-owner standpoint. This issue has come this far because there has not been cooperation or communication between the parties involved.
We have approached the Fairview Cemetery Board to attend its meetings so we can voice our concerns and to date, we have yet to be informed or invited to any of the meetings.
This would not be an issue if there had been communication from the very beginning, but it has brought forth some issues regarding communication, involvement, and treatment of indigenous peoples within this area. It is our hope that since the issue has come to the forefront, that discussion about indigenous issues can progress and that some positive ideas on how to address some of these concerns can come about. We have always believed in a multicultural community that communicates and cooperates so that inclusion in all aspects of the community can make a stronger, richer place to live.
Emery & Mirna Namingha
Yellow Jacket