
National 4-H Week begins on Sunday

Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014 9:14 PM

National 4-H Week is Oct. 5–11. This year’s theme is “#iam4H”.

Montezuma County 4-H gives youths the skills to confront today’s problems and thrive in careers tomorrow. It is the nation’s largest youth development organization, empowering 6 million kids throughout the U.S. to make a positive impact in their communities. 4-H is a community, and it strives strive to give back to the community by raising money for free mammograms, making valentine cards for the elderly, painting bleachers at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds and much more.

Kids between the ages of 5 and 7 can enroll as a Cloverbud. The Cloverbud program is growing in popularity because kids attend club and project meetings and participate in most projects of 4-H, other than competing at the Montezuma County Fair. Members of 4-H are eligible to be in 4-H from ages 8-18, and attend club and project meetings and compete at the Montezuma County Fair. Enrollment is Oct. 15 through Dec. 31.

The Montezuma County Extension Office provides information on all 4-H Clubs in the county. To enroll as a volunteer, you need to enroll in 4-H. We do a complete background check, and volunteers attend an orientation before working in 4-H.

To enroll, call Tonya Yates at 970-565-3123.
