
Candidates respond to Journal’s questions

Monday, Oct. 20, 2014 9:51 PM

Biographical information on the remaining Montezuma County candidates in contested races pulled from questionnaire surveys circulated to each contestant earlier this year by The Cortez Journal.

Clerk & Recorder

Kim Percell

Party: Republican

Age: 54

Top priorities: Serve citizens in a respectful and efficient manner.

Top needs: Cross train personnel. Keep personnel trained on new regulations. Educate citizens on requirements and procedures.

Expertise: Clerk and recorder employee since 2005. Appointed chief deputy in 2011.

Judy Marquez

Party: Independent

Age: 56

Top priorities: Serve citizens equally and quickly.

Top needs: Cross train personnel. Retain experienced staff. Improve public relations.

Expertise: Three decades in banking.


James Lambert

Party: Republican

Age: 76

Top priorities: Preventing federal encroachment. Improving county roads. Being fiscally conscious.

Job growth plan: Better cooperation between the city and county. Explore manufacturing options.

Legacy wish: Honest integrity.

William “Bill” Utrup

Party: Independent

Age: 65

Top priorities: Cost saving measures.

Job growth plan: Better cooperation with other organizations. Explore sustainable and productive options.

Legacy wish: Beneficial contribution to the community.


Steve Nowlin

Party: Republican

Age: 57

Top priorities: Return professional leadership and integrity to office. Build the most highly trained and respected law enforcement agency in the state. Develop and improve partnerships and good working relations with surrounding agencies.

Cost-saving measures: Line item budget analysis. Monitor expenditures. Obtain grant funding. In-house training.

Minority issues: Develop good working relationships and hold regular meetings with outside groups. Provide annual training for deputies.

First 100 days: Improve communication between the agency and the public. Invite substance abuse counselors into the jail. Increase drug enforcement. Order an independent audit. Improve medical and health benefits for employees. Provide necessary skills training for staff. Add two agriculture deputies to staff. Improve school security.


Mike Steele


Age: 56

Declined to respond to candidate questionnaire.

