
Dolores 40 years ago

Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014 6:25 PM

The first big area-wide snowstorm hit Southwestern Colorado early Tuesday morning following several days of rain. Smaller snows had hit in the high country this fall, including one at the beginning of elk season. Several inches of snow was on the ground Tuesday and motorists in the ditch were a common sight. Deer hunters in the field found the going pretty rough with roads turning into bog holes and hunting was wet, muddy and miserable.

The Board of Education of the Dolores School District Re4A will meet Nov. 6 to discuss the results of the state budget review committee and to decide what the board will do, if anything, about the review board's decision. The district requested an increase of $81.39 per pupil for an estimated 546 pupils, bringing the total revenue requested tor $44,439, an increase of 9.71 mills. The decision now lies in the hands of the school board members who have the choice of going along with what the board of review will allow, or of going to vote of the people for all or part of the amount allowed by the board of review.

According to County Commissioner Chairman Harold McComb, the commissioners at their meeting this week, approved the Hospital Service Plan with an agreement with the president of Southwest Memorial Hospital that a full and complete report of the financial condition of the present hospital and Vista Grande Nursing Home be made public. The commissioners decision is based upon the service plan as presented and does not necessarily mean the approval or disapproval of the County Hospital District by the commissioners according to a statement by McComb.

President Ford will speak at a rally in Grand Junction on Nov. 2 as part of his campaign swing through the Western States.

Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hamilton last week were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hamilton of Caplinger Mills, Mo. and Beth Trudersheim of Tahoka, Texas. Mrs. Trudersheim is the sister of Berneice Hamilton. The Larry Hamiltons are former residents of Dolores and they enjoyed visiting with old friends and other relatives while vacationing here.

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lee were dinner guests at the home of Helen Fogel on Monday.

Sammy Gallegos has been taking care of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick North while the Norths are hunting.

Tammy Willett got her first deer this past weekend while hunting on the Glade with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willett of Dolores.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peters from Clifton, Colorado were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Sundquist for about ten days during elk season.

Mary Dufur is back at work this week at the Star after a weeks vacation.

Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Biard recently were Jackie's mother and sister, Myrtle and Olivia Biard.

Mrs. Francis Jack, from Michigan left here Saturday, Oct. 26 visiting in Dolores with her sister, Mrs. Louise Merritt for several weeks.
