
Public invited to Veterans Day event at high school

Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014 11:07 PM
Cortez Journal/Sam Green

Peggy Scates takes a flag to place on the gravesite of Confederate solider George May at the Dolores Cemetery. A ceremony honoring veterans will take place Tues. Nov. 11 at the Dolores High School gym beginning at 9 a.m.

On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, a Dolores tradition honoring those who served will take place at the Dolores High School Auxiliary Gym beginning at 9 a.m.

The 6th annual Veterans Day Program features patriotic music by the student choir and band, a flag ceremony, plus student presentations.

“The kids learn that the world does not revolve around them, that honoring the people who have sacrificed for this country is very important,” said band director Beverly Hall who organizes the event, along with the students and FFA.

All veterans and their families and the general public are invited to the free program. Veteran sign in at 8:30 a.m. and they are escorted into the ceremony by students.

Music students will read poems, perform music, and present research projects on veterans, patriotism, and military service. There will be an open mic if veterans want to speak, and a reception with refreshments will take place afterwards.

“It’s a real nice event we go to every year,” said David Johnson, commander for Montezuma County Veterans of Foreign Wars. “Afterwards we all go to the parade in Cortez, so it’s a nice tradition.”

Also Nov. 11, a new Veterans Outreach Center will open in Cortez at 7 W. First St. A grand opening and ribbon cutting will take place at 2 p.m.

The Center is a place for veterans to gather without having to be part of an organization, said project coordinator Darla Sanders.

She recently retired from the U.S. Air Force after 23 years, specializing in aircraft maintenance, and saw a local need.

“Not all veterans are ‘joiners’ of clubs and organizations,” Sanders says of the new center. “Here they can come have a cup of coffee, watch television, research veteran benefits. They can relax, get information and meet new friends without having to sign up for anything.”

The Outreach Center will have a TV room, a library, and computers with Internet access. Volunteers will assist the county veteran service officer by helping vets with some of the paperwork for claims.

“A lot of our homeless or indigent veterans are not aware they are eligible for services such as housing or disability payments,” Sanders said. “We help them get their paper work together before they go to (service officer) Rick Torres who files the claims.”

Volunteers are needed to help staff the new center which is expected to be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Sanders at (970) 560-2793 if interested in volunteering.

Landlord Ben Hawes donated the first year’s rent for the Outreach Center.

On Nov. 28 there will be a craft fair fundraiser for the new veteran center at the county annex.
