
Dolores 40 years ago: Taken from the Friday, Dec. 13, 1974, Dolores Star

Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014 7:11 PM

The newly formed Historical Society will hold their next meeting at the Cortez Library, Thursday, Jan. 16th at 8 p.m. The society is still in its beginning stages and all officers have not yet been elected. A film on the Galloping Goose was shown at the last meeting and they are in the process of collecting items that pertain to the history of this area. Anyone interested, is invited to attend the next meeting.

The Montezuma and Dolores Planning Commissions will have their annual joint meeting the evening of December 17th. The meeting will be in the County Commissioners room of the Montezuma County Courthouse beginning at 8 p.m. The members will join together for an informal dinner prior to the regular business meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Brewer of Dolores are the proud new parents of a baby boy born at 8:56 p.m. Saturday evening, Dec. 7 at the community Hospital in Durango. He weighed 6 lbs., and was 18 1/2 inches long and has been named Jason Keith.

Discussion about financing a hospital district operation always leads to taxation and a concern for more taxes. The consideration must be whether or not a hospital and a nursing home are necessary or desired in the community. How vital is it to a viable and proud community? How important is it to the families, to the economy as a whole? To provide schools for our children requires taxation. The cemetery (to take care of our dead) needs taxes. How important is health care?

The Rural Electrification Administration has approved a $34,835,000 loan at 5 percent interest to Colorado-Ute Electric Assn. of Montrose, according to an announcement by U.S. Sen. Floyd Haskell, according to the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel.

Clarence Williams has opened a new jewelry store in Dolores just in time for Christmas. His store, the Rio Grande Southern Jewelry, is next door to the Rio Grande Southern Hotel, located where Bill's Barber Shop used to be. His services include watch repairing as well as the sale and repair of jewelry.

Dolores Cub Scouts will be sponsoring a bake sale today, Friday, Dec. 13 in front of the Assay Office next door to the medical clinic beginning at 10 a.m. All proceeds from the sale will go for the Blue and Gold Banquet.

Annual Christmas Party of the Dolores River Garden Club will be held next Thursday, Dec. 19 beginning at 2 p.m. at the home of Mary Jane McRae.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marlow, Mr. and Mrs. Skip Jones and Mrs. Helen Pritchett enjoyed Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tibbits.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bowden visited with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dobbins in Durango on Sunday.

Guests at the Jim Stephens home on Thanksgiving included Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Stephens and daughter, Maude Felkins and Debbie Stephens, who was home from college for the holiday.

Judy Tate entertained the Thursday Bridge club last week.

Lenore Lee had the cast removed from her leg on Monday of this week to have her foot x-rayed. It was doing so well that another cast was not put back on.
