
Navajos sue feds over Gold King Mine spill

Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016 3:12 AM
Shiprock residents listen as Navajo Nation officials speak Tuesday at Nizhoni Park in Shiprock, N.M. Leaders of the Navajo Nation, one of the nation’s largest American Indian tribes, blasted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and announced the tribe has sued the agency claiming negligence in the cleanup of the Gold King Mine spill.
Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye speaks Tuesday at Nizhoni Park in Shiprock, N.M. Leaders of the Navajo Nation, one of the nation’s largest American Indian tribes, announced Tuesday the tribe has sued the Environmental Protection Agency over adverse effects stemming from the Gold King Mine spill. The tribe claims , negligence in the cleanup that tainted rivers with heavy metals in the Navajo Nation and neighboring areas of Colorado, New Mexico and Utah.

Leaders of one of the nation’s largest American Indian tribes blasted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as their attorneys sued Tuesday, claiming negligence in the cleanup of the Gold King Mine spill that tainted rivers in Colorado, New Mexico and Utah.

Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye stood on the bank of the San Juan River in northwestern New Mexico and explained his people’s link to the water and the economic, cultural and psychological damage inflicted in the wake of the August 2015 spill, which occurred in an inactive mine north of Silverton.

“EPA, we’re holding your feet to the fire,” Begaye said, promising that generations of Navajos are willing to fight. “We will not let you get away with this because you have caused great damage to our people, our river, our lifeblood.”

A federal contractor accidentally triggered the spill during preliminary cleanup work at the old god mine. Three million gallons of wastewater carrying arsenic, lead and other heavy metals contaminated rivers the Animas and San Juan rivers.

Communities downstream were forced to temporarily halt drawing water from for drinking and irrigation.

Officials have estimated some 880,000 pounds of metals poured into the rivers. Navajos and others downstream are concerned the contamination has settled in the riverbeds and banks, and it is getting stirred up each time storm runoff courses downstream.

The EPA has taken responsibility for cleaning up the spill, but a spokeswoman said Tuesday that the agency will not comment on pending litigation.

The Navajo Nation joins New Mexico in pursuing legal action over the spill. The state of New Mexico sued the EPA and Colorado earlier this year, citing environmental and economic damage.

Tribal officials at the news conference and in the lawsuit pointed to delays and resistance by the EPA, saying the agency has failed to compensate Navajos for their losses or provide any meaningful recovery efforts over the past year.

The EPA has dedicated more than $29 million to respond to the spill and for monitoring, but much of that is going toward stabilization and ongoing drainage at the mine. Reimbursement of state, local and tribal costs is underway, but the tribe has received only a fraction of the nearly $1.6 million doled out to all the parties.

Begaye said Navajo farmers have felt the brunt of the spill. Some crops went unplanted this year and cultural practices such as the gathering of corn pollen were skipped.

“We have seen the tears. We’ve heard the cries. We’ve heard the anger, the anguish, the loss of trust,” Begaye said.

He called the actions of the agency, its contractor and the mining companies reckless and reiterated his disappointment that Navajos have yet to receive a phone call or letter of apology from President Barack Obama.

Navajo officials said the government has denied repeated requests for everything from compensation for farmers to resources for long-term monitoring and an on-site laboratory for real-time testing of river water.

“They have not done a thing,” Begaye said during his impassioned address.

While the lawsuit doesn’t include an exact dollar figure for damages the tribe is seeking, Begaye said Navajos are owed “millions” and that the scope of the contamination is still unknown.

A criminal investigation into the spill is being conducted by the EPA’s Office of Inspector General and the U.S. Justice Department, but it’s unclear how long that probe could take.

Several members of Congress had pressed for an investigation into the EPA’s role in causing the disaster.
