
Here's to an artful new year

Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015 6:33 PM

Can you believe it's 2015? How many of you have made (and broken) your resolutions? I promised myself that this year I'd make more art. I'll let you know how it goes!

Over the hill at FLC

This time of year, I know everyone wants to stay near home, so I thought I'd send a few Durango events your way. Fort Lewis concert hall has some terrific shows - Bela Fleck and Abigail Washington in late January, Chinese acrobats, Flamenco dancers and more. For those you who didn't get to see Taj Mahal at the Millwood a few weeks ago (one of Tami Grahams' "underground" benefit shows) he is better than ever. I saw him 50 years ago back east when we were both young and slim! Check out the Concert Hall line-up. Note to Marilyn Kroeker - Wailin' Jennys comin' in March!

Grand Avenue's new inventions

Lots new on Grand Avenue - last year's ice cream parlor is re-inventing itself as a Yoga studio. Got to work off that Cookies & Cream! Across the street, the Beehive is changing proprietors as Reneata and Harison Collins head off to St. Petersburg (Florida, not Russia) Jama (the queen bee) and Hardy Collins have already moved there. Jama says she's breathing great at sea level. The Beehive is going be taken over by Christina Boover Lawrence - our local audiologist. She's holding a reception on Jan. 30. Details to follow!

It seems that winter has inspired Veryl Goodnight to the easel - bears, coyotes, huskies, buffalos, sheep and sheepdogs and burros. All to go to various shows in the West. You go, girl!

Marilyn Kroeker and Jan Wright have some new tricks up their sleeves for the new year. Marilyn's going to throw a workshop mid-January on throwing pots, and Jan swears she's doing some more abstract work this year. She says she's bored with adobe bricks. Can't wait to see the new work.

Thank you for your participation in the arts, and letting me know about it.

Happy holidays and a creative new year!

Reach Dian Law at (970) 533-7536 or email at
