
Dolores 80 years ago

Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015 6:11 PM

J.B. Gelwick has purchased the former A. A. Rust property, between the Chevrolet garage and the Exon store and is making preparations to open a general hardware store there. Workmen are busy remodeling the building and getting it in shape to receive the stock, which it is said, will include a general line of hardware, fencing, roofing and furniture.

The Dolores Star was made the official paper of Montezuma County by the action of the commissioners at the monthly meeting in Cortez Tuesday. The Mancos Times-Tribune was awarded the designation for the county job printing at the same time. The Star will henceforth publish the proceedings of the county commissioners monthly meeting, the delinquent tax list in the fall and such other legal notices as the county board requires during the present year. Furthermore, the Star will receive the regular legal rate as established by law and the code, for this service.

Robert W. Kelso, Colorado relief administrator, was a visitor in Dolores over Sunday and inspected the local relief office. He seemed quite pleased with the way the work is being carried on here, and it is not expected that any important change will be made in the set up for Montezuma and Dolores counties.

According to information furnished this office by Merton Taylor, the only real and authorized rabbit drive in the country west of here Sunday will be held in the Dove Creek section. All shooters should present themselves at Sitton garage for instructions. There will be plenty of lunch and plenty of rabbits.

E. W. Neal, of Arriola, was elected director of J. J. Harris & Company Bankers, to fill the vacancy created by the death of Wm. Ritter, at the meeting of the stockholder held Tuesday. The directors are G. D. Taylor, H.C. Lefurgey and Mr. Neal.

James Odom, son of Mrs. C. A. Dill, has acquired the Ford agency at Farmington, according to an announcement in the Farmington Times-Hustler.

George F. Bennet was elected president of the organization from the present year, Wm. McCormick, vice-president and Bryant Bauer, secretary-treasurer.

Exalted Ruler Chas. R. Conroy, of Durango lodge No. 507 B. P. O. Elks and the following members of this splendid lodge were over Sunday to officiate at the A. F. Harris funeral.

Reef Egger, editor of the Pagosa Springs Sun, clerk of the district court in Archuleta county and postmaster of Pagosa Springs, died at Pagosa last week of pneumonia.

The road over Wolf Creek Pass is positively closed for an indefinite time, according to word received from J. R. Cheney, division engineer, state highway department. Mr. Cheney says: "Construction work on the east side of wolf creek pass will necessitate closing the pass to travel for a period of time; therefor, the pass will be closed at 6 p.m., Monday, Jan. 7 until further notice."

Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor plan to leave Saturday for an extended trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Crawford will live in the Taylor house during their absence.

The Camp Fire girls held their first meeting of the year at the school building.

Mrs. Merta Bradfield, of the local telephone office, is off duty this week on account of flu. Mrs. Alice White is taking her place at the switchboard.
