
Bottoming out in all this mud

Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2015 6:22 PM

Well, there's no snow and no rain, mostly no water. How come we have so much mud?

Because I'm pretty short, I tend to slide out of the car, and then I've got a mud stain on all my pants. Ah well, the beauty of living on a dirt road. Pray for snow in February and March.

Lookin' good, Mancos

Neww houses springing up on First Street. Very nice! I also wanted to thank Carrie Baikie for her redo of the Pangea building. It really looks great. In the summer, it'll look even better with the Mancos Livery out back.

Winter expressed

The black, white and bright blue quilt currently on display at the Mancos Public Library is on loan from the Dolores Mountain Quilters. I didn't think black was a very good color for a quilt, but on this one, it seems really appropriate. Reminds me of a winter stream in black and white with reflections of our blue Colorado sky.

Artist in residence

Local musician and artist Marilyn Kroeker is an alternate for Mesa Verde's artist-in-residence. Hope she gets it. Would love to hear some music inspired by the cliff dwellings.

For those who have missed it

There is a terrific show at the Town Gallery (in the Visitor Center on East Bauer), the Civil Rights show with photos by the prominent photographers of that time of struggle in America. Visitor Center is open Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you would like to see this show at other times, contact me and we'll set something up.

You can Dian Law at 533-753 or online at
