The show kicks off a series of local school art shows that will be featured at the Cultural Center.
When you walk through the doors of the Cultural Center, the first thing you will likely notice is that the Cultural Center has been remodeled, and at the back of the room, you will likely notice a 6-foot-tall guitar with glowing strings.
The guitar, said SWOS art teacher Claudia Sanderson O’Hara, was assembled by several of her students.
“A few students put the guitar together for the light parade,” O’Hara said.
O’Hara said she finished hanging the art last week and hopes the community will come out to appreciate some of the local students’ work.
The art, O’Hara added, is for sale.
“Anybody from the community is welcome to buy something on view,” she said.
She added that last year, the school sold over $500 worth of art.
An ink and paper work titled “Huge Design” by Jerry Medina was priced at $25, and a mixed media piece by K’rene Watts titled “Awaiting” was listed for $15.
“It may not seem like a lot to me and you, but it’s a lot to these students,” she said. “The funds go directly to the student artists.”
Once a student asked O’Hara about the funds from the sale of his painting.
“He said ‘But you bought the paints?’ And I told him, ‘But you put your heart and soul into this piece, and that is worth a lot,’” O’Hara said.
The opening reception for the show will be Friday, Feb. 6 at 6 p.m. There will be refreshments and a live band called The Wedding is Off, composed of local students.
“It is a really fun band,” she said.