A movement, backed by the Cortez Chamber of Commerce to have the board of county commissioners obtain the right of way for the Dolores-Rico road, particularly the section immediately east of the town of Dolores. A petition was circulated here within the past week and a considerable number of signers was obtained. Also a resolution passed by the Cortez chamber urging the commissioners to buy the right of way "'with all possible dispatch.'"
A benefit pie social will be given at the Grange hall at Lakeview this Saturday evening, proceeds from which will be used to the benefit of the W. A. Olson family who lost their home and all their belongings by fire one day last week. Ladies are asked to take a pie and gentlemen their pocketbooks.
C.I. Brown and his big brother, C. A. Brown are busy these days getting out their last year crop of certified seed spuds. They find a tremendous demand for their Cobblers and Bliss Triumphs and say they could dispose of several thousand bags more than they have, if they had the spuds. Bad roads are proving such a handicap just now, but this probably will not be for long.
Charles H. Starr, discoverer of the famous Red Arrow mine on the East Mancos, and Mrs. Goldie Puett of Mancos, widow of the late Lavelle Puett, were married in Chicago Feb. 28, according to information received recently. Mr. and Mrs. Starr are said to be enjoying their honeymoon in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
A gang of 15 or 20 men started work this week, improving the county road south of town, which will be continued as far as Summit Ridge cemetery. Relief labor is being employed on this job and George Smith is in charge. It is planned to widen the road to standard highway width straighten the sharp turns and gravel the entire job.
Curtis Carlson and Miss Marie Becher were married at the home Saturday evening. Mr. Flanders of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Flanders last spoke the magic words that changed the bride's name.
W. H. Morrison, who came in last week from Texas to locate on a piece of land near Dove Creek, told the Star editor that he traveled more than a thousand miles, all the way from Corpus Christi, and had excellent roads all the way - until he hit Dolores. Arriving here last week, he was compelled to wait until Monday for this week, practically an entire week before he could continue on to his home, a distance of some forty miles, with a so-called federal highway all the way. The strip of mud between here and Dove Creek is the most serious handicap this section has to contend with at the present time. Elimination of this drawback depends upon Governor Johnson's $25,000,000 highway program being approved by the Colorado legislature, the federal bureau of roads and the Colorado supreme court. Otherwise construction of the 40-mile strip is just as good as under way right now.
Jeff O'Driscoll was down from Rico Wednesday and reported that there was eighteen inches of new snow in the streets of the mining town.
A report of the condition of J. J. Harris & Co., Bankers, is published in this paper. The report shows the bank to be in splendid condition which speaks well for the community and the bank management.
William E. Ratekin came in this week form Denver and took up his work in the local ERA office. Mr. Ratekin has been attending school in Denver all winter receiving special training for ERA work. He has been permanently assigned to this territory training for ERA work. He has been and will relieve Miss Cowdry.
Henry Lupke, one of Montezuma County's most respected citizens, died at Cortez Sunday morning. He has been in poor health for some time and was taken to the hospital for an operation when it was ascertained that he did not have sufficient strength to undergo the ordeal.
R. N. Musgrave is having the interior of his garage office repainted, while Akin Mercantile Co., has been doing some spring house cleaning.
Word form Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Giorgetta is to the effect hat MR. Giorgetta stood the trip to Phoenix very well and is getting along nicely there.
Mrs. Loren Lipe underwent a major operation at Johnson's hospital Tuesday morning. The last report we have is favorable for her speedy recovery. Rev. Shields took the lady to the hospital Monday.
Tucker brothers left Monday morning for New Mexico and Arizona with potatoes for Chet Brown.