
80 Years Ago

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 3:04 PM

Sheriff W. W. Dunlap Slain Near Placerville

Sheriff W. W. Dunlap is dead-shot to death near Placerville Monday morning by Otis McDaniels, eldest of the two McDaniels brothers who tied up James Westfall in his cabin near Lewis last spring and left him to starve or die of exposure.

The McDaniels brothers were being brought from Glenwood Springs, where they had been held for the past several weeks, to Cortez, where they were to have been arraigned in district court for the Westfall killing.

Jesse Robinson is Chosen as Sheriff

Jessie Robinson, well known ranchman of the Bear Creek section of the upper Dolores valley, was named by the board of county commissioners Wednesday to the position of sheriff of Montezuma county to fill the vacancy created by the death of the late W. Dunlap. The Selection of Mr. Robinson for this important post will meet with the approval of a great many people in all sections of the county.

County Offers $250 Reward, McDaniels

The commissioners of Montezuma county have made an offer of $250 reward of the McDaniel brothers, Otis and Herbert, and it is said that not too many questions will be asked if the men are not able to kick when they are brought in. In addition the sheriff's association is said to have an offer of even a larger amount.

McDaniels Brothers May Be Caught Soon

That the McDaniels brothers, slayers of sheriff W. W. Dunlap, crossed the west Dolores river above Dunton sometime Tuesday night seems fairly certain and that they have headed toward the vicinity of the La Plata Mountains.

It seems but a matter of a short time until a fresh trail of the fleeing men will be picked up. They will be brought to bay in some canon where the rifles of possement will bring this episode-and also probably the career of the worst pair of killers the San Juan section has ever harbored-to an abrupt end.

Outlook for Advance in Feeder Cattle Price Good

L. M. Pexton of the Denver Union Stock Yard company, via radio, told listeners during the farm and market hour Thursday that opinion gathered around the Denver market indicated higher price for feeding cattle by $2.50 to $3.00 a hundred this fall than ruled a year ago. That however, said Pexton, assumed a good crop and, with the weather of the past few weeks, that very thing is coming about.

Wolf Creek Pass Opened at Last

Wolf Creek pass was officially opened by the highway department Monday morning, says the Pagosa Springs Sun. The pass was reported in fair condition and by the end of the week it should be in good enough condition to attract a lot of tourists to this section.
