McDaniels Brothers Are Still at Liberty
The McDaniels killers, slayers of sheriff W. W. Dunlap and James Westfall, were still at large at the hour of going to press and there is no hope of their being taken in soon.
Such was the substance of a statement given the Star in a telephone interview by Sheriff L. G. Warrick of San Miguel county this Thursday.
The various posses made a most intensive search in the territory south of the Dallas Divide, starting at the sheep camp where the men supposed to have been the McDaniels pair were seen, and continuing over a large territory finally ending at the railroad track on Dallas Divide.
Chas. Starr Makes Strike Near Dunton
The Dolores Star is reliably informed that Charles Starr, discoverer of the famous Red Arrow mine in the Mancos section, has recently uncovered a rich gold deposit in the Lone Cone mining district, not far from Dunton. The ore, Mr. Starr is quoted as saying, assays $240 per ton and is of the telluride variety. Has has not learned the extent of the deposit but is arranging to have an experienced mining engineer look over the find with the view of determining possible future values if the property is developed.
Funeral of Wes. Dunlap is Largest in County History
Funeral services for the late W. W. Dunlap, Montezuma County Sheriff who was killed by one of the McDaniels brothers last week, were held at Cortez last Friday afternoon and attended by perhaps the largest crowd ever present at a service of this kind in Montezuma County.
New Warehouse
The new Dolores warehouse is nearing completion, with the building now enclosed and much of the interior finishing done. The new building is admirably suited to the operations of Messers. Tucker and in a good location on the south side of the tracks on fifth street.
San Juan Diversion Project Approved
According to plans being considered, and reports being released by the daily papers, the Transmountain Diversion Project seems assured. Reports current point to an early start on this gigantic plan to divert the water from the east fork of the San Juan, Blanco and Willow creek into the Navajo and then into the Rio Grande for irrigation in New Mexico, says the Pagosa Springs Sun.
Dry Lands Section Soaked with Two-Inch Rain Fall
Sam Conn, worthy patriarch of the dry lands, was in town Monday and reported a dandy rain in his section of the country out beyond Dove Creek last Thursday night and Friday. He said crops were looking fine and he remarked there would be plenty of wheat, beans, and corn and things grown in his neighborhood.
McPhee Items
The afternoon bridge club was entertained at the Frank Cunningham home Thursday. Mrs. Bobbie Smith received prize for high score for members and Mrs. Ben Fitzgerald galloping. Mrs. Frances Townsend high for guests and Mrs. Leona Cunningham galloping.
Arriola Items
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Hodges entertained at a lucious dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Howard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Howard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett and daughter Byril, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Estel Howard and family and Herbert Hill.
Lebanon Items
Bill, Jerry, Chucky Wedell and May, Ernest and Onie Bass and Clara Wedell made a trip to Durango Thursday. Onie Bass is working for Mr. Jackson at Lone Cone.