
Girls on the Run seeking volunteers

Thursday, July 23, 2015 8:32 PM

The Girls on the Run program uses an experience-based curriculum that integrates running to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident.

The curriculum covers eaningful topics such as self-awareness, building healthy relationships and developing personal strengths while engaging in physical activities. The curriculum also includes lessons devoted to a community-service project completed by each team, as well as a noncompetitive 5k run open at the end of the 10-week season.

The program is seeking volunteer coaches in Montezuma County for the fall program.

You do not have to be a runner to coach, you only need a desire to have fun and make a difference in the lives of girls in our community.

They want to be part of this program and we are in need of coaches to make the opportunity possible to all girls who want to participate”, says Casie LaMunyon, county coordinator for Girls on the Run in Montezuma County.

The program starts the week of Sept. 8 and programs are offered at Mancos, Dolores, Mesa, Manaugh and Kemper Elementary Schools. Training for all volunteers coaches is offered on Aug. 29.

To learn more go to:, email or call Casie LaMunyon 970-799-2946.
