
40 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, August 15, 1975.

Monday, Aug. 17, 2015 1:45 AM

Wayne Aspinall Speaks to the Rio Dolores Group on Dam Project

Wednesday evening's meeting in Cortez of the Rio Dolores Group brought out a crowd of hundreds who heard former Congressman Wayne Aspinall tell how they could proceed to push for construction of the Dolores Project which the group feels is jeopardized by the wild river proposal.

Amalia Fry Receives M.A.

One hundred-eighty-two students participated in the Golden Anniversary Summer Commencement at Adams State College in Alamosa, Colorado on August 8, 1975.

Mary Amalia Fry from Dolores received a Master of Arts degree.

Bicycles Recovered

Dolores Marchal Charlie Aragon this week reported the recovery of six bicycles that were found, west of town and in the irrigation canal.

One bicycle belonging to Robbie Carrigan had been repainted and dismantled. Another belonged to Ron Ashcroft and another to Beth Steele and a couple belonged to Ed McEwen while one is yet to be identified.

New Priest for Catholic Church

Rev. Raymond P. Grimes has arrived to take over his new position as priest of the Dolores, Mancos, Rico, and Mesa Verde Catholic churches.

Rev. Grimes was born and reared in Dubuque, Iowa, then received his theological training in Denver, Colorado. He was ordained in May of 1955. He has done graduate work and Catholic University work in Washington, D.C. in Religious Education in 1961.

Receive Amway Award

Earnest and Janet Williams, of 520 Polk. St. Pueblo, Colo., Direct Distributor of Amway products recently announced the awarding of a Personal Sales Award Plaque to Bob and Mary Teague, of 812 Central Avenue, in Dolores. The plaque can be earned yearly by any of 200,000 Amway distributors in the United States and Canada by achieving a high personal sales goal.

Nominated for Safe Driver Award

Janice M. Ashcroft, Route 1, Dolores, has been nominated by the Safe Driver of the Month award, sponsored by The Denver Post, Colorado State Patrol and the United Bank of Denver.

The program is designed to focus on public opinion on the defensive and safe driving habits of motorists throughout the state.

Centennial Committee Has Good Turnout

A meeting of persons interested in plans for the Centennial-Bicentennial year met at the Dolores State Bank Community Room, on Friday evening. Chairperson of the Centennial-Bicentennial Committee, Cecile Taylor, reported on the recent meeting in Montrose, of the Four-state Dominguez Escalante Trail committee. Merton Taylor gave some interesting information about the Escalante Ruin being excavated two miles west of Dolores.

Reunion Held Recently

The Dolores Class of 1955 held their ten year class reunion July 5th and 6th.

Those class members attending were Dolly Wallace Gardner, Kenny DeGuelle, Laurel Lee Sundquist Minor, Jeanie Wilson Hodges, Claudia Nielson Sanders, Dwayne Findley, Mike Petrose, Carolyn Barker, Veta Johnson Mitchell, Don Swank, Peggy Sluder Wagner, Vic Hodges, Mary Ann Brumley Findley and Gary Tibbits. John McHenry also attended the picnic but was unable to be present for the dinner. Special guests were Connie Beckham and Jean Johnson.

Garden Club Plans Rose Breakfast

The Dolores River Garden Club met last Tuesday at the home of Mary Baker for a potluck dinner and to finalize plans for the flower show that was held in conjunction with the Montezuma Fair last weekend.
