
80 Years Ago

Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 5:44 PM

Thistle M. Francis

Thistle M. Francis, better known as; Uncle Tom Francis, passed away at the Johnson hospital in Cortez on Wednesday morning.

Thistle M. Francis was born in Harrison, Co., Mo., January 26, 1855. His life was spent chiefly in mining in the San Juan Basin, and he stalked out some of the leading mines in Silverton, Telluride and Leadville. The last year of his life was spent at the John Morrison stock camps.

Stockmen Meet Here, Discuss Grazing Act

Stockmen from the western part of the basin came to Dolores Monday and conferred with members of the fourth district advisory board and W. R. Sholes, federal man, who presided over the meeting.

The meeting was called to receive and hear appeals and protests upon former action of the board in granting grazing rights on land now under the Taylor grazing act.

County C. of C. Will Meet At Hallar's

The matter of closing a number of streams, tributary to the Dolores river, to fishing will be brought up at the regular meeting of the Montezuma and Dolores counties chamber of commerce to be held at Point Lookout camp cafe next Monday evening.

Denver Livestock Market is Active

Prices in all departments of the Denver livestock market last Monday were steady or higher, this reflecting the generally better undertone which has prevailed the past several weeks. Cattle receipts totaled $4,500 being largely feedlot and grass fed cattle. Feedlot cattle topped at $11.40. Oregon grass heifers sold readily at $8.25 with feedlot heifers up to $10.75.

New Sales Tax Tokens in Use By Sept. First

Again merchants and retailers of all sorts are preparing to make a change in the system of collecting sales tax. This new arrangement which becomes effective on September 1st will require tokens having the value of one-fifth of a cent.

Bus Soon to Run Durango to South Fork

A new streamlined motorbus will soon be making daily trips back and forth over Wolf Creek pass between South Fork and Durango.

The company according to its application for the permit, plans to use two 180-horsepower buses with a capacity of 21 passengers each. Each but will cost $12.00.

Eighty per cent of the bus company's stock is owned by the Rio Grande railroad. Fares on the buses will be the same as those charged on the Rio Grande railroad trains serving the area.

Montezuma Pioneers

All old timers having been here prior to 1885 and their families are invited to attend the annual old timers reunion at Mancos on August 30, 1935. Everyone bring a basket lunch.


Woodrow Culp and Lucille MeMahan, both of McPhee, were united in marriage by Judge J. M. Brumley at Cortez Wednesday morning. The couple will make their home at McPhee.


Man - did you fish with the flies?

Friend - Fish with them? We fished with them, camped with them, ate with them and slept with them.
