
40 Years Ago

Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 5:44 PM

Bond Issue Goes Again

A petition containing 468 names seemed to convince the members of the Dolores School Board to let voters have another chance to approve the school bond issue for improvements to school facilities, and to bring back the vocational agriculture dept. to the Dolores school system. The board voted unanimously to have another bond election after turning down the idea at their last meeting by a vote of 3 to 2.

Firemen Raise $6,000

After all money is accounted for and all bills paid the Dolores Firemen report that around $6,000 was donated Saturday to help in the purchase of a new fire truck for Dolores.

The day was termed "a huge success" with many people from Dolores and the surrounding area taking part in the Fun Day activities.

Commissioners Say No to Forest Service Roads

The Montezuma County Commissioners at the regular meeting Monday, August 18, made a decision not to recommend the building of roads into the Forest Service proposed Biggs Timber sale. The decision followed previous discussion at earlier meetings.

In other business County Planner Marshall Denton reported that 14 transport permits had been sold in July bringing in $70.

PUC Grants Empire Increase, Raises Franchise Question

At a hearing on August 12 in Cortez the Colorado Public Utilities Commission heard testimony concerning the rate increase request for Empire Electric.

As a result of the hearing the ruling of the Commission received this week ordered that the new tariff proposed by Empire become effective upon issuance of the order by the commission but any persons may take exception within a 20 day period.

The higher electric rate of 2.8 mills per kilowatt hours increase will begin with current billing by Empire Electric.

Two Dolores Cadets Hold Cadre Positions

New Mexico Military Institute entered the final phase of its preparation for a new school year recently as a cadre of 92 returning cadets began its weeklong training program.

According to Colonel George B. Robbins, Commandant of Cadets, the cadre, which includes two Dolores cadets, is charged with the supervision and guidance of the 1975-1976 new cadets.

The Dolores cadre members are David B. Crow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Crow; and Jeffrey D. Field, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Field, both of Route 1.

Football Season Off to Good Start

Coach Edsel Page this week reports that he has 28 boys out for the Dolores Bears Football team and although the team will be a young one, all have had some previous football experience through the junior high program here. Six juniors and four seniors will make up the nucleus of the squad with the rest coming from the freshman and sophomore classes.

Business Changes Hands

Jack and Helen Willet took possession of the Dolores Laundry and Washateria as of Thursday, August 14. They have purchased the laundry from Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McKee.

The McKees have owned the laundry for 10 years, having purchased it from the Marcotted on April 1, 1965. They plan to continue making their home in Dolores for the present. Mrs. McKee will have her ceramic work in her home now and plans to offer classes later.
