
Panthers team troubled by errors

Monday, Aug. 31, 2015 9:43 PM
The Panthers meet on the mound between innings.
Gabby Begay attempts to tag out a Cedaredge runner at third base.
Head coach Angelo Topaha looks on from the Panthers dugout.

The Montezuma-Cortez softball team led Cedaredge 6-4 to start the top of the fourth inning on Saturday.

That’s when the wheels came off.

The Panthers committed multiple errors in the inning, and with a few base hits, Cedaredge put up 12 runs to take a 16-6 lead.

“One error led to another, and it stacks up,” head coach Angelo Topaha said after the game. “We need to learn to overcome one error and let it go.”

Stevee Brenner made the final out of the inning, ending the Cedaredge rally with a diving catch in center field.

“She’s done it many times,” Topaha said of her acrobatic catch. “She did it in a playoff last year and got a slight concussion. I’m really proud of that girl.”

The Panthers were unable to score any runs of their own in the bottom of the fourth inning, but they held Cedaredge scoreless to start the fifth.

After loading the bases with one out in the bottom of the fifth, the Panthers were unable to drive in any runners.

Trailing by 10 runs after five innings, the game was called, with Cedaredge winning 16-6.

Tayla Topaha pitched the first four innings for the Panthers, with Abriana Conklin closing out the game from the mound.

While the Panthers are working on a new system using wristbands with plays, Coach Topaha was impressed with the offense and how quick the team is learning the new scheme.

Leading the offensive charge were Brenner and catcher Shavargus Noyes. Brenner went 2-3 with a single, triple and an RBI and Noyes hit for two singles.

Junior varsity

The junior varsity team opened the double-header on Saturday with a 20-4 loss to Cedaredge.

The Panthers gave up six runs in the first inning, then left two runners stranded in the bottom half of the inning.

Errors and walks continued to push Cedaredge runners around, and they scored another five runs in the second inning and nine in the third inning.

The Panthers crossed home plate once in the second inning and three in the bottom of the third.

But their four runs weren’t enough to keep the game from being called.

After three innings, Cedaredge came away with a 20-6 win.
