
Sponsors help make Celebrate Humanity event a success

Monday, Sept. 7, 2015 9:06 PM

Habitat For Humanity of Montezuma County held a wonderfully attended Celebrate Habitat event on Aug. 20 at the Cortez Conference Center. We want to publicly thank those who made the gathering a success:

Primary sponsor VectraBank, media sponsor Four Corners Financial, and door prize donors Come Dance Tonight!, Stonefish Sushi & More, Loungin' Lizard, San Juan Coffee Co., Ute Mountain Indian Trading Co., Mesa Verde Museum Association, and Slavens True Value Hardware.

Thanks to everyone who attended and helped celebrate the giant steps HFHMC is taking toward helping provide safe and adequate housing right here in Montezuma County. Special thanks also go to everyone who contributes to Habitat in any way. Your financial, professional service and ReStore donations and your volunteer work are truly helping make a difference.

Barbara Stagg, executive director

Habitat For Humanity of Montezuma County
