
Balcony House sunrise tour scheduled

Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015 12:55 AM

For The Journal

Mesa Verde National Park will offer a Sunrise Tour of Balcony House cliff dwelling on Oct. 12.

Tickets will go on sale Oct. 1 at the Colorado Welcome Center, 928 E. Main St. in Cortez. The tour will last about 90 minutes and will be limited to 25 people. Cost will be $15 per person. Meeting time and location will be printed on the tickets.

For this tour, you must be able to climb a 32-foot ladder; crawl through an 18-inch wide, 12-foot long tunnel; and climb up 60-foot open cliff face with stone steps and two 10-foot ladders to the exit.

Dress warmly and bring a flashlight. Cameras are welcome, but you must be able to carry all of your gear while keeping your hands free to climb the ladders.
