
The Frontpage Oct. 26, 1906

Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 10:03 PM

In 1906, Theodore Roosevelt was president and signed the Antiquities Act, declaring Mesa Verde a National Park a few weeks later. This week’s Front Page takes a look at election season in Mancos. Front page stories and items from the Oct. 26, 1906 issue of the Mancos-Times Tribune:

‘The Real Issues’

“The election is only eleven days into the future. Only one more issue of this paper before that time, and we will endeavor to give in clear, concise statements the issues as we understand them from the expressions of the people with whom we come in contact. In the matter of the governorship, the Republicans seem to be as hard put to for a real issue as they are for a candidate. A vote for Buchtel is an endorsement of William G. Evans and his associates and their high handed acts of political piracy for the past ten years every one of which has received the seal of his clerical approval.”

Law and order

“Brother Fredrick of the Montezuma Journal is doing some good, lively boosting for the county. Just let him keep it up while we work over our political conditions and create, if we can, a good, healthy moral sentiment for law and order and good citizenship then our people will prosper more abundantly, our resources will be developed and all things will be changed for the better. These efforts should have the substantial support of every first class citizen.”

‘Arizona and Colorado will be built’

“Mr. C.C. Sroufe, of the Arizona & Colorado, and Mr. E.C. Burke, from Santa Fe, arrived from that place last evening. They are going to Aztec in the morning to take testimony in the right of way chaos. Mr. Sroufe in conversation with a Herald man, expressed his entire confidence that the Arizona & Colorado Railroad will be built, and that soon. – Monday’s Durango Herald”
