
Montrose volleyball sweeps Panthers

Monday, Oct. 26, 2015 6:50 PM
Danielle McDonald digs out a spike Saturday against Montrose.

After losing in three straight games to Fruita Monument on Friday, the Montezuma-Cortez Panthers continued to slide in the early stages of their match with Montrose on Saturday morning.

The Panthers had trouble getting serves in to start the first game, and they were flustered by Montrose’s size and athleticism.

Montrose juniors Allie Freeburg and Micaiah Nichols overwhelmed the Panthers with spikes, leading the Indians to a 25-16 win in the first game and a 25-8 pounding in the second.

However, before the start of the third game, M-CHS interim head coach Jaynee Crockett and assistant Casey Kennedy spoke to their team, instructing them to relax and have fun.

“Our goal was to have fun and not look at the score,” Crockett said. “Just play with our hearts and not our heads.”

And in the third game, the Panthers came out looking like a different team.

Danielle McDonald started the game with a spike, and scored the Panthers’ first four points on three consecutive kills and an ace.

Kristin Pierce chipped in with a spike and an ace of her own to give M-CHS an 11-8 lead.

The Panthers played with confidence, and junior Skylar Robinson set up McDonald, Pierce and Kaila Carver for kills, while sophomore Tyra Pinnecoose dove all over the floor making impressive digs.

In the end, Montrose proved to be too much for the Panthers – with senior Elise Hill ending the game with a slam to win 25-23 – but M-CHS played its best game of the day and hung right with the Southwestern league champions.

“They’re just fearless when they feel like they have nothing to lose,” Crockett said. “They just have fun and are able to run more things.”

The Panthers’ final game of the season is on Tuesday in Durango, and Crockett hopes that the team’s confidence carries over.

“I hope that they play against Durango like they did in the third game with Montrose,” she said. “I hope they’re just fearless and that they have fun and that they leave everything out on the court.”
