
Renew offers aid in domestic violence

Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015 11:25 PM

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is over, but domestic violence continues: In the U.S., every 9 seconds, a woman is assaulted or beaten up.

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women – more than car accidents, muggings and rapes, combined.

Half of homeless women and children in the U.S. reported that they fleeing domestic violence.

The cost of domestic violence to the economy is estimated to be $37 billion per year, because of lost productivity at work, legal costs, law enforcement involvement, and health care system costs.

Between 2001 and 2012, in the wars being waged in Iraq and Afghanistan, 6,488 troops were killed. During that same time period, 11,766 American women were killed by current or ex-male partners.

In Montezuma and Dolores counties, Renew offers assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to assist victims of domestic violence. Whether a caller needs information or immediate aid in a crisis situation, Renew is available by calling 970-565-2100. Depending on need and circumstance, Renew also offers professional counseling, criminal and civil justice support and advocacy, referrals, advocacy while getting back on one’s feet, and an empathetic ear. All services are chosen by victims on a voluntary basis; all clients maintain free will and can leave services at any time. Clients may also utilize services over long periods of time, participating in services on an ongoing basis. To schedule counseling services, obtain information and for any administrative type enquiries, call 970-565-4886.

If a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault is in need of a safe place to stay, WINGS Safehouse is available for temporary shelter. Admittance into the shelter can occur during a crisis or as part of a safety plan.

WINGS Safehouse is secure and comfortable. A state-of-the-art security system with 24 hour video surveillance creates a safe atmosphere. All residents must keep the location confidential to aid security. Singles and families often receive private rooms during their stay with access to a full kitchen and common areas (living room, dining area, family room). Children are made to feel at home with a playroom, children’s books, crafts, and a new video game system. Safehouse guests can be supplied with clothing and personal hygiene items if they are in need.

Services and interactions are strictly confidential and free.

Fast facts

Renew Office: (970)565-4886
Renew 24 hour Hotline: (970)565-2100
WINGS Safehouse: 970-565-9116
