
School News

Thursday, Dec. 24, 2015 7:48 PM

Message from Cathy Epps, PK-5 principal

“Waking in a Winter Wonderland!”

We certainly received our share of snow on Tuesday! This time of year is a favorite of mine as there seems to be nonstop giggles from children as they are busy building snow forts, rolling down hills, or making snow angels during recess. They see nothing but fun and adventure when the snow falls.

“It has been exciting to see the amazing growth in all our students PK-5 grade. Whether it’s reading, writing, math, or communicating, all students have made tremendous growth! Thank you to our incredible staff of dedicated educators that strives to ensure every child is successful. We couldn’t be more blessed in our little community to have such quality people working together for our children’s success.

“I hope everyone has time during our break to enjoy snow through the eyes and mindset of our children: filled with nonstop giggles with family and friends.

“I wish you all a very Merry Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing you next year on Jan. 5, 2016!”

Do a book check

Please look in your children’s rooms or bookshelves for books that may belong to our school library or teacher’s library and return them to the rightful owner.

How to keep track of snow days

All parents will be notified using our Parent Reach automated system. Please make sure we have your updated contact information on file if it has changed since beginning of the year.

Radio stations

KISZ - 97.9 FM

KRTZ - 98.7 FM

KSJD - 96.3 FM / 91.5 FM

KSUT - 89.5 FM

1-hour delay

Bus Routes: 1 hour later than regular pick up time

Elementary morning library: 8:45 a.m.

Staff Reports: 8:45 a.m.

Elementary Starts: 9:15 a.m.

Secondary Starts: 9: a.m.

School Ends: (regular times). Elementary: 3:37 p.m.; secondary: 3:45 p.m.

2-hour delay

Bus Routes: 2 hours later than regular pick up time.

Elementary Morning Library: 9:45 a.m.

Staff Reports: 9:45 a.m.

Elementary Starts: 10:15 a.m.

Secondary Starts: 10:00 a.m.

School Ends: (regular times). Elementary 3:37 p.m.; secondary 3:45 p.m.

PTA Nest

Facebook: Check out Mancos Elementary School on Facebook and “like” it!

Next PTA Meeting: Wednesday, Jan. 13, 5:30 p.m. in Elementary Workroom. We are always looking for new members and new ideas. We hope you can join us! If you are unable to attend but want more information, please see the office.

Mancos PTA’s Little Jay attire, spirit gear

You can still place orders online year round with a credit card and have it shipped directly to you. You can view and order items online at Click on online stores and find Mancos Elementary.

How to raise money for the school

Earn money for our school while shopping for the holidays. Do you want a way to support the schools without much effort and for something you may already do?

Mancos PTA has signed up for a great and super easy fundraiser called All you have to do is go to the website, sign up, choose your school/organization- Mancos PTA, and then get shopping is connected with over 1,400 stores nationwide including Amazon, Target, and Wal-Mart. Each purchase earns the PTA cash back that we can then give to the schools for needed programs! So let’s get shopping!

Recycle. Calling all cell phones. The school gets money for old cell phones, inkjet and laser jet printer cartridges, iPods, and iPads. Please send these with your child to school.

Coke rewards. For all you Coca-Cola drinkers, save the caps or the box flaps from the packs to donate points to our school. Drop those off at the school or register online and donate your points to Mancos Elementary.

Box tops. Keep collecting box tops and sending them to school to give to classroom teachers. Teachers have a competition amongst each other to see who collects the most each month. PTA awards the classroom with a treat for the most collected. Our goal this year is 15,000, which is $1,500 that goes back to the school. Which class is going to win this quarter.

Community events

Mancos Public Library. For upcoming events and information, go to If you would like to receive their newsletter, please email and ask to be added.

Girls PeeWee Basketball. Basketball will be for girls in grades 3-6. If interested, please sign-up and pay $20 at the Cortez Rec Center. Forms are due by Dec. 31. Practices will start after the new year.
