
Facebook Top 10: The top posts at The Journal’s page

Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2015 6:33 PM
This photo, taken by Cristina Jantz, reached about 75,000 people from The Journal’s Facebook page. Jantz shot the photo on Sept. 2 in Durango.
Ryan Thompson shared this photo of a funnel cloud on The Journal’s Facebook page.
Bryce Seats holds Hunter up out of the icy waters of Denny Lake after he and Mike McCoach saved the dog.
Wayne Englehart shared this photo of the U.S. 491 pileup.
Luminarias light the path down to Spruce Tree House at Mesa Verde National Park.
A plane drops fire retardant on the Sleeping Ute fire Thursday afternoon.

The Top 10 posts of 2015 at The Journal’s Facebook page, measured by the number of people they reached.

1. A defiant buck

Cristina Jantz’s photo of a buck sitting beneath a sign welcoming hunters to the Rocky Mountain Pawn & Gun shop in Durango.

2. Cortez tornado warning

A story about a local tornado warning in the Summit Ridge area including photos of a Summit Ridge funnel cloud by Ryan Thompson and Amanda Puett.

3. Dog rescue

A video by Sam Green of Cortez firefighters rescuing a dog in Denny Lake.

4. Pileup on U.S. 491

A story about the 19-vehicle pileup on U.S. 491, including a photo by Wayne Englehart.

5. Mesa Verde lights

A story announcing the Mesa Verde luminarias, including a photo by Mike Wilkinson.

6. Dolores football

A story about the Dolores Bears football team, which allowed Monument Valley senior Avery Black, who is nearly blind, to run for a 50-yard touchdown, including a photo by Jardyn Angell.

7. Ute Mountain fire

A story about Day 1 of the Ute Mountain fire including a photo by Sam Green.

8. Worst places to live

A story reporting that Cortez was ranked No. 8 in a Top 10 list of the worst places to live in Colorado including an archived photo.

9. The new M-CHS

A video tour of the new Montezuma-Cortez High School by Sam Green.

10. McPhee Marina

A video of the McPhee Marina floating from Big Bend to the boat ramp by Sam Green.
