
The Front Page

Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016 9:04 PM
Danny and Tina Ferguson were honored at a wedding reception at the First Baptist Church Saturday afternoon. Friends and relatives came with good wishes and gifts for the newlyweds. Danny and Tina Roberts were married recently in Durango, where they make their home.

Thursday, Jan. 20, 1983

School to purchase solar heating panel

Following a presentation by Casey Rothman of Great Western Solar Heating, a Colorado Springs firm, the Mancos School District Board of Education agreed to purchase a solar heating panel at their meeting on Monday evening.

Rothman’s presentation included an explanation of the benefits to the district of solar heating, including reduced energy costs and reduced maintenance costs. The panel to be purchased by the school will be installed to service a room in the Elementary School, and will be carefully observed with its efficiency, costs of operation and savings to the district recorded. The information will be used to determine the feasibility of installing additional systems in the Elementary School and in the Junior High buildings.

In other business, Superintendent of Schools Julio Archuleta was given the board’s permission to continue to explore the possibility of obtaining federal and state energy conservation grants and energy impact grants for the schools.

The energy conservation grants, if obtained, could be used in future solar installations, to improve the insulation efficiency and to install insulated windows in the district’s buildings. Energy impact grants might be available to build a new multi-purpose building that would possibly include a new cafeteria, kitchen, auditorium and practice gym, Archuleta reported.

Archuleta also reported that a power pole the district wishes to have removed has been referred to Empire Electric’s board for consideration. He also asked if any of the board members would be interested in attending a legal workshop in Durango in March. The workshop is for board members and school administration officials.

Archuleta’s contract as Superintendent was renewed by the board, with a five percent increase in salary, effective July first.

MVA committee to plan promotions

A committee from the Mancos Valley Association and members of the Mancos Times Tribune staff met Thursday to formulate plans to promote trade within Mancos.

Concerns as to why residents were taking their dollars to other areas, how to stimulate a cooperative atmosphere within local businesses and residents, how to encourage local spending which will help to build a strong future for the valley and how to attract outside trade.

Many ideas were suggested with possible mini-trade shows to involve less known services of the valley and a month-long sale promotion were a few of the many ideas considered. Additional meetings will be held with a spring date being sought as the emphasis week.

Mrs. James McDonald, president of the MVA, encouraged committee members present to talk with area businesses and to bring more ideas and plans to take concrete action toward promoting Mancos.

The committee will be meeting again next Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at the Hamburger Haven. Any interested person is encouraged to attend.

Jan. 13, 1983

Cliff Fossum named new city attorney

Cliff Fossum of the firm of Dilts, Fossum, Dyer and Hatter, have been selected by the town of Mancos as their attorney to replace Robert Wilson, who has served since 1971.

Mayor Bob Bangs thanked Wilson for his services and other board members expressed their appreciation. Wilson was selected as the attorney for the town of Mancos in 1971 and attended his first meeting in April of that year, recalling that Mrs. Pearl Knisley and Jim Holston were board members also sworn in that night.
