
Groomer party at Boggy Draw

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2016 7:39 PM
Taz Vass snowbikes at Boggy Draw recently. A fundraising party to benefit the volunteer groomers will be held Sunday, Feb. 21 beginning at 10 a.m. at the Boggy Draw trailhead. There will be races, a raffle, chili, and beverages.

A fundraiser for snowbike groomers will be held at the Boggy Draw trailhead on Sunday, Feb. 21 beginning at 10 a.m.

This year, the Southwest Colorado Cycling Association and the San Juan National Forest partnered to create 16 miles of snowbiking trails along the Boggy Draw road network.

The forest service issued the permit, but all the grooming was done by volunteers, said Scott Darling, co-owner of Kokopelli Bike and Board.

“A core group of volunteers donated their time, fuel, and snowmobiles to groom the trails, and we wanted to help set up a fund to cover those costs,” he said.

The main volunteer groomer jockeys are Jimbo Fairley, Mike Gostlin, Shawn Gregory, Shawn Peed, and Eric Hogue. Others chipped in time as well.

The event starts at 10 a.m. and will feature group rides, a chili feast, beverages, snowbiking contests, and a raffle.

“It will be a lot of fun stuff,” said Ken Fagerlin, of Kokopellis. “Bread Bakery is providing the bread, and the chips are from the Chip Peddler.”

Contests include a wheelie competition, best skidder, and a short biathlon. Custom made snowbiking grooming equipment made by Gregory and Gostlin will be on display as well.

Never tried snowbiking, show up and test ride one, Darling said.

The main snowbike trails begin at the parking lot. Follow the Boggy Draw road for two miles then veer to the right. After another two miles, a longer loop veers left. Or stay on the trail for another two miles back to the parking lot.

“We will be get the trails in the best shape we can on Saturday night to get ready for this fun event,” Fagerlin said.
