
80 years ago

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 2:43 PM

St. Patricks DanceThe annual St. Patricks dance, given by the ladies of the Dolores civic club, was attended by a large crowd who desported themselves until a late hour. Music was by Ernie Anderson’s dance orchestra, and Memorial Hall was tastily beautifully decorated. Many dancers were dressed in masquerade suits and added a great deal of color to the occasion. The event was a financial success and the ladies realized a neat sum which will be used, of course, in their work of community betterment.

Seed scofflawsCertain wholesale seed dealers face prosecution for violating the state pure seed law by mislabelling alfalfa seed in regard to its percentage of germination. If continued inspection of crop seed offered for sale reveals others disregarding the law, they too will be prosecuted. Maximum penalty for conviction of violating the seed law is a fine of $100 for each infringement.

Eskimos at riskThe average life span of Alaskan Eskimos only 24 years due chiefly to the prevalence of tuberculosis, says Dr. Victor Levine. He has completed his third trip to the Arctic to study the problem. Unless more physicians are provided in the Arctic to guard the health of the Eskimos the race will become extinct in little more than a generation, Levine predicts.
