
Vandals and dumpers strike Mud Springs area

Monday, April 25, 2016 1:02 AM
Vandalism is an ongoing problem at Mud Springs. Recently, these couches were dumped, and signs wererun over. The trailhead, parking lot, trails and roads recently received a facelift, including improved signage. An informational kiosk with trail maps will be installed soon.
A BLM ranger loads dumped couches for a trip to the landfill. The cleanup cost taxpayers $500 in labor, fuel, adminstrative, vehicle, and landfill costs.

BLM officials and volunteer groups have worked diligently to restore the Mud Springs area.

But vandals and dumpers continue to damage the area at a cost to taxpayers, says Kathe Hayes, of the San Juan Mountains Association.

“The community has put in so much volunteer effort to make the area nice, then to have it destroyed and dumped on is tough to see,” she said.

The multiuse land has separate and shared areas for rock-crawlers, ATVs, motorcycles, hikers, horses and mountain bikers.

Recently signs have been destroyed, and couches dumped.

BLM officials estimate it cost the taxpayers $500 in labor costs, fuel and landfill fees to remove the couches.

Hayes noted that the items could have been dumped for free April 18-23 during the Cortez cleanup program.
