
Aren’t you glad your mother was pro-life?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 8:52 PM

Dear Editor:

You hear a lot about pro-choice, but when we talk about choice, what kind of choice are we talking about? Are we talking about choosing where we want to live, or what we want to eat? In this instance, the term “pro-choice” usually means we are supporting a mother’s legal right to kill her unborn baby.

But what is it that we are choosing here? As thinking people, we should actually check into what we’re talking about when we use the term “pro-choice.” Maybe we should go to an abortion clinic and watch an abortion being performed before we decide if legalized abortion should be acceptable. But of course the abortion clinics don’t want us to see what they are doing. Or rent the movie “Silent Scream,” and you can watch an abortion being done. Yes, it’s called “Silent Scream” because the baby is screaming, but you can’t hear him or her.

The abortion clinics don’t want us to understand that they are cutting or sucking out a human being from the mother’s womb, and are causing untold physical and emotional havoc in the mother’s life. 44% of women who have had an abortion end up with breast cancer. My own niece had an abortion at the age of 16 and died from breast cancer at the age of 52.

You’ll not find the right to abortion in the Constitution. What you will find is the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When the right to live is taken away from the unborn baby, all other rights are also denied them. Would we let other people make these decisions for us? Not on your life. Aren’t you glad your mother was pro-life?

Linda J. Moore

