
Counter negativity and hate with hope

Monday, July 25, 2016 7:04 PM

Everyone is grappling with what is going on in our world today. Hate is on the plate, blacks against whites, both against police, and everyone against Muslims.

These are our brothers and sisters of and in our human family. What everyone needs to know on deeper levels of consciousness, is that we are dealing with multiple time lines, or multiple outcomes.

Because of that, it is important to know that the best way to resolve our current situation where “hatred is inflamed” by anyone, or the mainstream media, is not to buy into hate on any level that could make it a reality.

It is necessary that we respond to each and every negative situation with hope, understanding, peace, love and compassion for the highest and best outcome. Hate kills the hater, dumping cancer-causing chemicals into the body.

Just know that we will get through this time period, but we need to know that we have the power to direct it, by adding to a positive timeline that will end up in a better outcome for humanity. This, today, is our biggest test and lesson.

Bill Utrup

