
Steve Gomez team wins Medicine Horse Masters

Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016 9:45 PM
The first place winners from the 8th annual Medicine Horse Masters Golf Tournament were, from left to right: John Randolph, Rudoulf Kraus, Steve Gomez and Randy Avon.
The second place team from the Medicine Horse Masters Golf Tournament included Afrem Wall (left), Ulyses Lang (right) and Clifton Wyte (not pictured).
From left to right, Tyler Mahan, Matt Lauer, Jen Kirk, and Bob Kirk finished the Medicine Horse Masters Golf Tournament in third place.

The 8th annual Medicine Horse Masters Golf Tournament was held last weekend at South Forty Golf Corse.

The event serves as a fundraiser for the Medicine Horse Center, which offers learning and therapeutic lessons and boasts the tagline, horses helping people.

The four-person scramble kicked off on Saturday morning and was won by Steve Gomez, Rudoulf Kraus, John Randolph and Randy Avon.

Second-place finishers were Afrem Wall, Ulyses Lang and Clifton Wyte, and Tyler Mahan, Matt Lauer, Jen Kirk and Bob Kirk finished third.
