
Lack of zoning destroying county’s beauty

Thursday, Oct. 13, 2016 8:41 PM

Montezuma county does not have zoning.

If you buy property in Montezuma County be warned that you have no zoning protection in the future of your property.

A good example happened recently on CR 23 at K. A very nice residential/agricultural area has been destroyed by a resident changing a field into a salvage yard. Ugly destroyed cars and trucks that are wrecks now sit on the field.

It’s ugly and ruins the neighborhood. How can that fit in any zoning code? It doesn’t.

We have a beautiful county that every year is becoming more of an eyesore due to a lack of real zoning. Officials should be ashamed at destroying the beauty of this county.

I recommend that the county commissioners close the planning department and abolish the planning commission and save the money. At present they are wasting tax dollars doing nothing of importance.

There is no real zoning in this county. Buyers beware before you invest in this county.

Hal Shepherd

