
Cortez golf team plays in Mexico’s John Flick Invitational

Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2016 1:23 AM
Dan Birnley, Micah Rudosky, Steve Franchini and Kelly McCabe pose at the Cabo del Sol golf resort during the John Flick Invitational earlier this month.

Golfers generally tend to avoid the sand.

But a handful of local golfers were able to enjoy the lush golf courses at Cabo del Sol as well as beautiful sandy beaches in a recent trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

For the fourth consecutive year, Conquistador Golf Course pro Micah Rudosky, Dan Birnley, Steve Franchini and Kelly McCabe headed south of the border for what is now known as the Jim Flick Invitational.

The tournament was held at Cabo del Sol golf resort and featured 80 teams of four playing both the resorts Ocean Course and Desert Course.

The quartet of Cortez golfers scored 130, 138, 138 and 144 in four rounds for a total of 550 to finish fourth in their flight and right around the middle of the field.

“We were second going into the last round and dropped a couple spots,” explained Rudosky. “But, all in all, it’s four rounds of golf, playing the ocean course and the desert course, the teams come from all over the country, and all the pros there are the top players in our country – they’re all PGA professionals.”

Individually, Rudosky finished with round scores of 69, 72, 77 and 74, for a total of 292. Complete standings were unavailable, but he said he believed he finished around 25th.

It wasn’t all work and no play for the group, as Rudosky said they did get a chance to relax and enjoy the outdoors once they finished the tournament.

“The day after we went and did some snorkeling and hung out,” he said. “Which was nice for us because we were just nothing but on that golf course.”

Rudosky will be heading back to Mexico in December for the 2016 Puerto Vallarta Pro Am, where there will be three local teams competing, featuring Micah Mobley, Blair Pyle, Ryan Griglak, Mike Doyle, Keenen Lovett, Joe Keesee, Keenan and Bev Ertel, John Gross, Mike Hannigan, and Bill Murphy.
