
Cortez BMX League state meet sees major success

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 6:57 PM

One hundred fifteen competitive bike riders were on hand at the Cortez Bicycle Motocross track on Saturday for the American Bicycle Association state championship points meet.

Each Colorado town that has a local BMX league hosts a state points meet. The Cortez BMX League qualified 34 of its riders into the main heats and had seven come out on top in their respective classes. There were a total of 28 moto heats.

The 34 main heat Cortez BMX League qualifiers were Kamri Willbanks, third (7-novice), Chace Gallimore, second (15-cruiser), Logan Willbanks, second (15-cruiser), Aden Hood, third (5-novice), Max Johnson, third (6-novice), Chase Moore, second (7-expert), David Stice, first (9-novice), Taylor Ramage, third (9-novice), Colt Fury, fourth (9-intermediate), Alexander Vestal, second (9-intermediate), Swayde Noyes, second (12-intermediate), Chris Bennett, third (11-novice), Logan Fuller, first (11-novice), Cameron Fury, second (11-novice), Tyler Wilson, second (12-intermediate), Jarod Whitecotton, third (12-intermediate), Kale Willbanks, sixth (12-intermediate), Taron Lard, first (12-intermediate), Derek Fuller, fourth (12-intermediate), Jalen Balderrama, second (13-novice), Walker Baker, first (13-novice), Dustin Rosenbaugh, fourth (13-novice), Cheyenne Tanner, third (13-novice), Mark Bennett, first (13-intermediate), Dylan Potts, fifth (12-intermediate), Landon Sanchez, third (13-intermediate), Dylan Fuller, fourth (14-intermediate), Ocean Rodd, second (15-intermediate), Cole Baxter, first (15-intermediate), Walker Brown, second (14-intermediate), Rusher Ammon, second (15-intermediate), Jackson Vermeule, first (15-intermediate), Aaron McClain, second (15-intermediate) and Logan Willbanks, third (15-intermediate).
