
Senate hearing

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 6:58 PM
courtesy photo
Sen. Michael Bennet , D-Colo., met recently with a group of students visiting the nation’s capital with the Colorado Rural Electric Association Youth Tour. Stephen Garner of Cortez was among them, representing Empire Electric. Pictured are, bottom row from left, Zach White, Michelle Port, Patti Chapman, Beth Myers, Laura Malcom, Madi Book and Halli Benasutti; middle row from left, Chaperone Carla Spangler, Victoria Hornung, Stephen Garner, Heather Brown, Kelsey Garretson, Sen. Bennet, Denali Hicks, Katy Schneider, Shannon Walker, Ashley Wishoun, Landon Snieder and Genesis Samarripa; and, back row, Owen McIntosh, Brent Didericksen, Chris Kuennen, Silas Thompson, Martha Anderson, Madison Wagnaar, Steven Starkebaum and David Long.