Dear Editor:
I am a law-abiding citizen, so I do not break the laws of the United States. Forest Service bureaucrats will also follow the laws. SR2477 clearly states that all trails, roads, byways and thoroughfares that were in existence before 1977 shall be left as is for general use of the public. Therefore, your only job should be to talk about any roads put in service after 1977, with the public, counties, citizens and businesses affected by any closing of roads!
1) What roads are important? All of them!
2) You will keep in place all roads before 1977.
3) No roads are redundant. All are for recreation, wood gathering and hunting.
Maybe a simpler approach is necessary. All Forest Service employees and bureaucrats work for the people. The federal lands all belong to the people, all of the people! It really is a shame United States Forest Service personnel are appointed, because if they were elected, we could vote them out. Thanks to the Tea Parties, you are accountable to the people and will be held accountable to the people.
A) Leave all pre-1977 roads, trails, routes, stock trails, etc. untouched per SR2477.
B) Roads and trails put in after 1977 are open to the public choosing whether to close the roads or not.
C) Common sense will prevail, even if government agencies do not understand the concept.
D) The people understand the concept and always have.
Dan Belt