
Medicare, VA do a great job on health care

Monday, Aug. 29, 2011 9:20 PM

Dear Editor:

For the life of me I do not know how Cheryl Holdorf (Aug. 27, “Who do you want to grow your food?”) got the idea that I want the government to do everything for me from my letter, which was mostly about Rep. Tipton. I have done for myself since a very early age, working in my father’s store before I could see over the counter and joining the Navy at the ripe age of 17. Since she thinks I should live in China or Russia, maybe she should live in Somalia, where there is no government.

I will say I am for the government being involved in my health care. After years of dealing with insurance companies it was such a relief to get on Medicare, which has been doing a great job with my health care. I also use the VA for some health care services, and I am very happy and appreciative for the care they give me. No more dealing with dishonest insurance companies, raising my rates every year to unbelievable amounts, where all they care about is the bottom line for their stockholders. I still can remember the days when our doctor would make house calls and health care was affordable. The end of fair and good health care costs started with Nixon (another good Republican) and HMOs. Good health care is not a privilege, but necessary for a good quality of life.

Ms. Holdorf and I come from different sides of the political spectrum. The difference is, I am willing to listen, learn and compromise for the good of our country. whereas tea partiers live with blinders on, and do not know what compromise is. It seems their ideology is more important than a united and strong country.

Larry Berger


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