Dear Editor:
I have just returned from a trip to Alaska and trying to catch up with back issues of the Journal when a letter from H.C.Petley got my attention. He was attempting to critique my Education commentary.
I am assuming he is a social progressive based on the tenor and overall quality of discourse. Most progressives will operate similarly; they set up a straw man i.e; property requirements, education levels in the colonies, the Old Souths voting requirements for blacks then careen off into an ad hominem attack on me. Also, as is peculiar to the progressives mode of criticism, he never addresses the issues I raised: that of the declining quality of education in the United States and its effect on our standing in the world.
I believe that is a more important subject to deal with.
I will continue to be a self-appointed patriot and I will continue to support this republic, its flag and the Constitution.
Larry Tradlener
McElmo Canyon
Via e-mail