
I will continue to be a patriot

Friday, Sept. 16, 2011 10:55 PM

Dear Editor:

I have just returned from a trip to Alaska and trying to catch up with back issues of the Journal when a letter from H.C.Petley got my attention. He was attempting to critique my “Education” commentary.

I am assuming he is a social progressive based on the tenor and overall quality of discourse. Most progressives will operate similarly; they set up a “straw man” — i.e; property requirements, education levels in the colonies, the Old South’s voting requirements for blacks — then careen off into an ad hominem attack on me. Also, as is peculiar to the progressives’ mode of criticism, he never addresses the issues I raised: that of the declining quality of education in the United States and its effect on our standing in the world.

I believe that is a more important subject to deal with.

I will continue to be a “self-appointed patriot” and I will continue to support this republic, its flag and the Constitution.

Larry Tradlener

McElmo Canyon

Via e-mail
