Rosenkrance, Fosnot wedding
Friday, Sept. 23, 2011 9:48 PM
ON JULY 30 Talon Rosenkrance and Kyra Fosnot were married at the Fosnot home in Cortez. Proud parents are Todd and Valiena Rosenkrance of Dolores and Gery and Verinia Fosnot of Cortez. Kyras grandparents are William and Shamera Busing and Delbert and Sandy Fosnot of Cortez. Talons grandparents are Charles and Sharon Wade of Dolores, and his great grandmother is Mary Ann Watkins. Talon is employed by Mesa Field Service, and Kyra is an accounting major at Mesa State. After a honeymoon in Mexicos Isla Mujures, the couple made their home in Grand Junction.