
Chelsea Jones announces departure from MCEDA

Monday, May 1, 2017 4:02 PM

Chelsea Jones, the economic development specialist for Montezuma Community Economic Development Association, will be leaving the position within the next month.

At MCEDA’s annual meeting on April 19, Jones said her husband, a Colorado State Patrol officer, recently took a new job in the Denver area, prompting her to give her 30-day notice to MCEDA. The organization plans to advertise in local media outlets for someone to fill the part-time job, and Jones said she will be closely involved in the training process. She said she has enjoyed her time with the organization and feels it has a strong foundation to move forward without her.

“We’ve got a lot of great things on the table ... to keep things moving forward and to help economic development grow in this area,” she said.

In her time at MCEDA, Jones has been a driving force behind the group’s efforts to help the county governments work toward providing affordable internet services to residents. She said that’s one of the projects she’s most proud of, although she also mentioned her efforts in promoting solar power in the county and encouraging businesses to join the association.

Jones spent about two years as an economic development specialist for the town of Mancos, and was hired by MCEDA at the beginning of 2016. Dave Hart, the association president, said the board of directors plans to meet on Friday to discuss a plan for finding a replacement. They have an “exit strategy” in place for Jones, but Hart said they don’t have anyone who can fill in for her if they don’t find a new recruit in time, since she’s their only paid employee.

After she moves to Denver, Jones said she doesn’t plan to get another job, but instead hopes to focus on her online business and “being a mom.” She believes MCEDA is in good hands.

“I’m proud of the community and the chance to see people working together,” she said. “I’m looking forward to seeing how Montezuma County and MCEDA drive forward. I think they’re on a great path for that.”
