
3A: Vote ‘yes’ for education

Friday, Oct. 14, 2011 10:46 PM

Dear Editor:

On Wednesday, Oct. 12, my husband and I joined a too-small number of local residents in touring the Southwest Open School. The SWOS students and faculty deserve to replace non-acceptable buildings. We met many of the staff and were impressed with the openness and friendliness of the campus. It is obvious that the SWOS staff members are masters at doing much with few resources.

One building of concern to us had some open holes with boards showing through the flooring. Another problem identified was the partially open-skirted old trailer which allows feral cats to make a litter box underneath. We were told that, depending either on the time of day or the weather, it can be unpleasant, from an olfactory sense, to study in that building.

If someone were to ask us why we will vote “yes” for the SWOS bond issue, we would say to acknowledge their role in graduating 375 students and helping them to achieve high school diplomas. We embrace the idea of having a traditional high school, a non-traditional high school and GED classes. Each helps students in differing ways. Let’s tell all students and faculty that we accept and value them by voting “yes” for education.

Dale and Joylee Davidson


Via e-mail
