
3A: Pennies, progress and pride

Friday, Oct. 14, 2011 10:46 PM

Dear Editor:

Who doesn’t like a bargain? The voters in this community have been given the privilege of providing a means to get a great bargain for a few cents a day. For just two pennies a day and by marking “yes” on 3A on Election Day, we can do a number of good deeds.

Ÿ One: We can help our at-risk and non-traditional learners garner an education.

Ÿ Two: We can instill, in struggling young people, pride in themselves and their accomplishments, thereby building productive citizens.

Ÿ Three: We can bust our buttons with pride in our community and know we have completed a project that we can be proud of and provide jobs for our unemployed.

Education is the foundation of every society, and without it there is no progress and we all suffer. Some may say, “I don’t have any children in school,” forgetting someone paid for our education. The schools and teachers we took pride in and yelled ourselves hoarse during our games with rival schools were built and paid for by someone in the past.

You, I and anyone else would gladly give up a meal to feed a starving child. What Southwest Open School is asking is only 2 cents a day to feed a person starving for an education. How can anyone refuse to give so little to gain so much? Vote “yes” on 3A in November. You will be proud of yourself for doing so much with so little. This is not a tax; it is an investment in our community!

Galen Larson


Via e-mail
