
Court News

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011 12:33 AM


Ÿ Melissa Castillo, 19, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of criminal mischief — under $500. She was sentenced to one year of supervised probation, to report on Nov. 2, 2011, and was also ordered to pay $893.50 in fines and costs. She must perform 20 hours of community service by Nov. 2, 2012. Defendant must also obtain a domestic violence evaluation and follow all recommendations. Defendant will be allowed to visit grandparents in Mexico. Restitution is open for 90 days.

Ÿ Shayne D. Skougard, 31, of N. Las Vegas, Nev., pleaded no contest to one count of driving a vehicle exceeding allowed gross weight by 16,420 pounds. He was ordered to pay $935.57 in fines and costs.

Ÿ Logan Leonard Jr., 24, of Highland Park, Mich., pleaded guilty to one count of commercial vehicle safety violation. He was ordered to pay $125.50 in fines and costs.

Ÿ Uriel C. Jaramillo, 34, of Eckent, Colo., pleaded guilty to one count of speeding 10-19 mph over limit. He was ordered to pay $195.50 in fines and costs.
