Melissa Castillo, 19, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of criminal mischief under $500. She was sentenced to one year of supervised probation, to report on Nov. 2, 2011, and was also ordered to pay $893.50 in fines and costs. She must perform 20 hours of community service by Nov. 2, 2012. Defendant must also obtain a domestic violence evaluation and follow all recommendations. Defendant will be allowed to visit grandparents in Mexico. Restitution is open for 90 days.
Shayne D. Skougard, 31, of N. Las Vegas, Nev., pleaded no contest to one count of driving a vehicle exceeding allowed gross weight by 16,420 pounds. He was ordered to pay $935.57 in fines and costs.
Logan Leonard Jr., 24, of Highland Park, Mich., pleaded guilty to one count of commercial vehicle safety violation. He was ordered to pay $125.50 in fines and costs.
Uriel C. Jaramillo, 34, of Eckent, Colo., pleaded guilty to one count of speeding 10-19 mph over limit. He was ordered to pay $195.50 in fines and costs.