
M-CHS spotlight athlete of the week

Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011 10:37 PM

Name: Christian Chupp. Grade: 12. Favorite food: Hot wings. Favorite color: Orange. Sport: Basketball. Favorite kind of car: Lamborghini. Favorite thing to do: Play sports. Something no-one knows about me: I was born in Florida. Favorite movie: It’s More Than a Game. Favorite place to shop: Florida. Plans after high school: Go to college: CSU, mechanical engineering. Favorite quote: “Just Do It.” Parents: Herman and Hannah. Summer highlights: Spent time at the lake and camping. Best high school memory so far: Game vs. Delta; scored 24 points. Favorite song: Tatoo’s on this Town. Favorite teacher and why: Mr. Chandler. He teaches more than just school, mentors me in basketball. Stats/Accomplishments: Helped Panthers win Four Corners Classic, All-Tournament team. Averaged 14 points per game.
