
Lower Dolores River continues to flow

Wednesday, June 14, 2017 3:19 PM

McPhee Reservoir managers said on Tuesday that they will continue to release boatable flows into the Lower Dolores River until at least 10 a.m. Thursday, June 15.

Flows of no less than 800 cubic feet per second will be released from McPhee dam for the extended release.

On Thursday, the standard ramp-down of controlled releases will likely begin. Ramp down below 800 CFS will extend over six days, dropping 100 cfs per day to allow boaters on the river some time to land.

The reservoir is full and continues to receive more runoff from mountain snowpack than it can store. Managers say it is unclear how much snow remains in the Dolores River watershed, but the snowpack primarily is above 10,500 feet in elevation.

For more information on flow data for sections of the river, visit the website of the Dolores River Boating Advocates.
