
Reception in Mancos less than cordial

Friday, June 23, 2017 3:46 PM

We live near Prescott, Ariz., and feel we must move due to explosive growth, invasions by West and East Coast liberals, and a city and county close to bankruptcy.

Recently, I sent an email to the Mancos Chamber of Commerce and mentioned I was politically conservative. This apparently set off Marie Chiariski, who runs it. Not only did she not send me any information, but she told me plainly that I should “check the demographics” if I want to live in Mancos.

“There are several more conservative towns in the county.”

I guess this must include Cortez. This blatant bigotry is about as subtle as an old Navajo friend of mine being turned down for an apartment rental and told that “no Indians live here.”

I have a thick skin and didn’t expect a parade, but I just am looking for somewhere to retire, mind my own business and pay taxes owed. We don’t want to tell anyone else how to run their lives.

I guess Mancos doesn’t want law-abiding citizens, while they seem welcoming to a dangerous polygamy cult and several pot dealers. One new pot dealer likes to talk about his “patients,” and one popular brand of area weed is called Trainwreck. So smoke ’em if you got ’em. I just don’t care to smoke the stuff myself.

So anyway, what kind of town is Cortez? We have visited twice. Thanks for any reply.

John Callan

Prescott, Ariz.
